A house remodel is more than just a change in design; it is an instance of profound transformation for the place you call home. This journey promises to redefine your living spaces, from structural changes to aesthetic upgrades.


Though a change this big may seem intimidating, there’s a lot to look forward to after a successful renovation. Let’s look at what to expect before and after a house remodel as you imagine the possibilities for your home. 

The Layout


Constrained rooms with distinct boundaries can put unnecessary limits on your home’s potential. Walled-off kitchens, separate dining rooms, and tight living spaces may impede social events, and the extra walls do nothing for the flow of natural light.


A house remodel frequently means breaking down these barriers to harness the beauty of open-concept living, where spaces blend seamlessly into one another. The removal of walls creates a sense of spaciousness by allowing light to fall freely, resulting in a more inviting and connected environment.

The Kitchen


Outdated kitchens may leave much to desire in functionality, storage space, and modern appliances. Older designs often become impractical, making daily tasks duller and more difficult than they have to be.


With a kitchen remodel, you can create a modern culinary sanctuary. Picture a space that exceeds its practical purpose to become the heart of your home, inspiring creativity and conversation. From sleek countertops to cutting-edge appliances, modern kitchen design has loads to offer.

The Bathrooms 


Pre-remodeled bathrooms may have outdated fixtures, cramped spaces, and drab designs. Functionality is likely at an all-time low, and the ambiance may not quite reflect your idea of personal comfort.


Imagine your old bathroom as a luxurious, personal retreat. Modern fixtures, spa features, and personalized design elements can all be incorporated into a home remodel. Experience a transformation from functionality to refreshment and relaxation.

The Outdoors


Neglected outdoor spaces may be uninspiring, underutilized, or lack the charm needed for an entertaining evening. The potential is there, but it lies dormant without the proper features and charm.


Picture a post-remodel patio as an extension of your living space, full of room for cooking, eating, or simply enjoying the air. Your outdoor space becomes an integral part of your home, perfect for gatherings or serene moments of solitude, with everything from cozy seating areas to vibrant gardens or even a functional outdoor kitchen.

The Structure


Older homes may show signs of wear and tear, compromised structural integrity, and outdated materials. On top of the obvious aesthetic detriments, these aging elements can also pose functional challenges.


Watch as your house undergoes a structural facelift. A remodel can solidify both the aesthetic charm and the structural integrity of your home, ensuring safety and comfort for the long haul. 

The Aesthetics


Your pre-remodeled home may lack a consistent design theme, leaving interior spaces feeling disjointed and disappointing. Many homeowners simply take their homes as they come without consideration of their personal styles and tastes.


With a few expert touches, your home becomes a feast for the senses. See your stylistic preferences come to life, from personalized color schemes to curated decor. A remodel is your chance to inject some personality into your home and make it uniquely yours for the first time.

Picture Your Home Before and After a House Remodel

As you imagine the before and after of your own home remodel, consider the possibilities with Meridian DesignBuild. Our team of expert remodelers is experienced and equipped to guide you through your home’s transformation and ensure every detail matches your personal vision.


Ready to reimagine your living spaces? Get in touch with Meridian DesignBuild today to begin the journey that will redefine your home. A revitalizing home remodel of your own is only a call away.

Rethink the potential of your home. Contact Meridian today.