Summer is fast approaching, and with summer comes longer days and warmer weather. Backyard barbeques and evenings spent out on the patio become plentiful. But after a long winter, your patio might more closely resemble a neglected cave than the inviting oasis you dream about. So, we’re here to help you get your outdoor space spruced up with these patio makeover ideas.

Spruce up your outdoor space with these patio makeover ideas

Create shade with a pergola

Depending on where you are in the world, summers get can a touch warm. Here in NC, our summers can get boiling hot. So the idea of sitting out in the roasting hot sun might be so appealing. By adding a pergola to your outdoor space, you can turn your sun-baked patio into a shaded, cool and breezy escape.

Add beauty & protect your grass with a stone path

Laying down a stone path doesn’t just add to the beautiful aesthetic, it actually helps to protect your grass by giving your guests a clear, intentional walkway. A stone path also creates a cohesiveness to the architecture of your home and outdoor space.

Create additional seating by building a tree bench

If your patio is on the small side, seating might be quite limited. You don’t want to crowd the space with too much outdoor furniture. But if your backyard has some nice, adult trees, you can add some creative seating to the area by building a tree bench around the base of the tree.

String up some mood lighting

The right lighting has the ability to totally transform a space. And string lighting is almost always a good idea. String up some lights to create a warm, cozy and inviting area outdoors.

Does your patio need more help than just a little sprucing up?

Custom design your very own dream patio

If you’re looking at your outdoor space thinking “Nope, this needs more than just a little help,” we’ve got you covered. We can help you design and build the patio that will bring your outdoor oasis dreams to life. Not only will adding a patio give your yard some major appeal, but it also adds to the resale value of your home.

We are Meridian Design Build, Ltd. a Charlotte construction company that provides every client with comprehensive, timeless results with an unwavering commitment to quality, character and integrity. Ready to start a project?

Schedule a consultation.